Friday, November 29, 2019
Morality And Ethics And Computers Essays - Professional Ethics
Morality and Ethics and Computers There are many different sides to the discussion on moral and ethical uses of computers. In many situations, the morality of a particular use of a computer is up to the individual to decide. For this reason, absolute laws about ethical computer usage is almost, but not entirely, impossible to define. The introduction of computers into the workplace has introduced many questions as well: Should employers make sure the workplace is designed to minimize health risks such as back strain and carpal tunnel syndrome for people who work with computers? Can employers prohibit employees from sending personal memos by electronic mail to a friend at the other side of the office? Should employers monitor employees' work on computers? If so, should employees be warned beforehand? If warned, does that make the practice okay? According to Kenneth Goodman, director of the Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy at the University of Miami, who teaches courses in computer ethics, "There's hardly a business that's not using computers."1 This makes these questions all the more important for today's society to answer. There are also many moral and ethical problems dealing with the use of computers in the medical field. In one particular case, a technician trusted what he thought a computer was telling him, and administered a deadly dose of radiation to a hospital patient.2 In cases like these, it is difficult to decide who's fault it is. It could have been the computer programmer's fault, but Goodman asks, "How much responsibility can you place on a machine?"3 Many problems also occur when computers are used in education. Should computers replace actual teachers in the classroom? In some schools, computers and computer manuals have already started to replace teachers. I would consider this an unethical use of computers because computers do not have the ability to think and interact on an interpersonal basis. Computers "dehumanize human activity"4 by taking away many jobs and making many others "boring exercises in pushing the buttons that make the technology work." 5 Complete privacy is almost impossible in this computer age. By using a credit card or check cashing card, entering a raffle, or subscribing to a magazine, people provide information about themselves that can be sold to marketers and distributed to data bases throughout the world. When people use the world-wide web, the sites they visit and download things from, make a record that can be traced back to the person.6 This is not protected, as it is when books are checked out of a library. Therefore, information about someone's personal preferences and interests can be sold to anyone. A health insurance company could find out if a particular person had bought alcohol or cigarettes and charge that person a higher rate because he or she is a greater health risk. Although something like this has not been reported yet, there are no laws against it, at this point. More and more data base companies are monitoring individuals with little regulation. "Other forms of monitoring-such as genetic screening-could eventually be used to discriminate against individuals not because of their past but because of statistical expectations about their future."7 For instance, people who do not have AIDS but carry the antibodies are being discharged from the U.S. military and also fired from some jobs. Who knows if this kind of medical information could lead employers to make decisions of employment based on possible future illnesses rather than on job qualifications. Is this an ethical use of computers? One aspect of computers that is surely immoral and unethical is computer crime, which has been on the rise lately. There are many different types of computer crime. Three main types of crimes are making computer viruses, making illegal copies of software, and actually stealing computers. Computer viruses have been around for a decade but they became infamous when the Michelangelo virus caused a scare on March 6, 1992. According to the National Computer Security Association in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, there are 6000 known viruses worldwide and about 200 new ones show up every month.8 These viruses are spread quickly and easily and can destroy all information on a computer's hard drive. Now, people must buy additional software just to detect viruses and possibly repair infected files. Making illegal copies of software is also a growing problem in the computer world. Most people find no problem in buying a computer program and giving a copy to their friend or co-worker. Some people even make copies and sell them
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Oracle Background
Oracle Corporation is a technology company that supplies software for the use of information management. They develop, manufacture, market and distribute computer software that helps other corporations manage their data so they can better grow and prosper. In 1977, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates founded System Development Laboratories. After being inspired by a research paper written in 1970 by an IBM researcher titled ââ¬Å"A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banksâ⬠they decided to build a new type of database called a relational database system. The original project on the relational database system was for the government (Central Intelligence Agency) and was dubbed ââ¬ËOracle.ââ¬â¢ They thought this would be appropriate because the meaning of Oracle is source of wisdom. In 1978, Software Development laboratories moved from their offices in Santa Clara to ones in Menlo Park, the heart of the Silicon Valley. To better explain what they did, they cha nged their name to Relational Software Inc., or RSI. In 1979, RSI developed and distributed its first commercial SQL database V2, there was no version 1. In 1982, RSI changed its name to Oracle Systems Corporation, which later changed again to Oracle Corporation. They reasoning behind this was that they thought by naming the company after the product it would help the company obtain more recognition. In 1983, Oracle decided to make the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) portable. They then introduce V3, the first portable database to run on Personal Computers, minicomputers and mainframes. In 1984, Oracle Corporationââ¬â¢s revenues reach $12.7 million and they move into a new eighty-four thousand square foot building in Belmont, CA. They also went international by working with companies in Canada, Netherlands, and a limited portion in the United Kingdom. In 1985 they hit $23 million in revenues and expanded to Austria, Germany, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland. Their ... Free Essays on Oracle Background Free Essays on Oracle Background Oracle Corporation is a technology company that supplies software for the use of information management. They develop, manufacture, market and distribute computer software that helps other corporations manage their data so they can better grow and prosper. In 1977, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates founded System Development Laboratories. After being inspired by a research paper written in 1970 by an IBM researcher titled ââ¬Å"A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banksâ⬠they decided to build a new type of database called a relational database system. The original project on the relational database system was for the government (Central Intelligence Agency) and was dubbed ââ¬ËOracle.ââ¬â¢ They thought this would be appropriate because the meaning of Oracle is source of wisdom. In 1978, Software Development laboratories moved from their offices in Santa Clara to ones in Menlo Park, the heart of the Silicon Valley. To better explain what they did, they cha nged their name to Relational Software Inc., or RSI. In 1979, RSI developed and distributed its first commercial SQL database V2, there was no version 1. In 1982, RSI changed its name to Oracle Systems Corporation, which later changed again to Oracle Corporation. They reasoning behind this was that they thought by naming the company after the product it would help the company obtain more recognition. In 1983, Oracle decided to make the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) portable. They then introduce V3, the first portable database to run on Personal Computers, minicomputers and mainframes. In 1984, Oracle Corporationââ¬â¢s revenues reach $12.7 million and they move into a new eighty-four thousand square foot building in Belmont, CA. They also went international by working with companies in Canada, Netherlands, and a limited portion in the United Kingdom. In 1985 they hit $23 million in revenues and expanded to Austria, Germany, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland. Their ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss the contributions of ancient Egyptian civilization to the Essay
Discuss the contributions of ancient Egyptian civilization to the modern world - Essay Example ified remains to aid science and medicine in understanding ancient human tissues for use in modern medicine and similar disciplines, among others (Parmar; Tyldesley; Smith 22-35; Rice 5-26). The pyramids for one are a source of vital contributions to the modern world in the various arts and sciences that went into their construction, including in the realm of project management and architecture of the very large structures, the mathematics and civil works sciences that went into calculating with great precision the building blocks and the foundations of the pyramids, and the management of the workers, materials and the entire construction itself for the monumental works. To this day the insights from the various disciplines that were utilized to create the pyramids and the vast public works infrastructure of ancient Egypt continue to inform modern day architecture, civil engineering, mathematics and artistic disciplines in the modern world, and the modern world owes the foundations of those disciplines in part from the high quality of those disciplines as practiced in ancient Egypt and as reflected in its monumental artifacts (Smith 22-35; Rice 5-26). Modern medicine too benefits from the ancient practices of Egypt with regard to the preservation of human remains and the extensive knowledge of physiology and the human body that such preservation knowledge implied. The ancient Egyptians left behind numerous human remains carefully preserved and carefully documented in the documentation that they left behind as artifacts that continue to inform the modern world about rigorous methods of preservation, and a keen eye towards intimately knowing the inner workings of the human body. The human mummified remains too, in the modern world, are primed to allow modern scientists to gain insight into ancient humans, with implications for using such insights to improve human health and the practice of modern medicine. The modern practice of medicine too benefits from the vast
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mills Argument on the Freedom and Equality of Women Essay
Mills Argument on the Freedom and Equality of Women - Essay Example Consequently, Mill disagrees with an arrangement where one partner in a marriage appears to dominate the other. In this regard, he proposes a marriage relationship that is guided by consensus building and free association for both partners. However, while, men may have difficulties tolerating the idea of living as equal partners with their female counterparts, Mill reiterates that equality between men and women is highly desirable. As such, liberating women from patriarchal culture presents a bright future for mankind (Smith, 2001). On the other hand, freedom and equality also entails allowing women to own property and participate in politics. Mill also considers women to have similar abilities to men; however, due to their thought process and experience, women tend to be morally superior to men. In essence, freedom and equality of women in civil society benefits the general welfare of society in terms of promoting, for instance, justice, liberty and moral sensitivity. Strength and limitations of Millââ¬â¢s approach Millââ¬â¢s focus on the freedom and equality of women in civil society serves to promote affirmative action. Further his approach to the issue also dissuades the society from viewing women as an inferior gender to their male counterparts. Mill also identifies patriarchal culture as an impediment to gender equality in the society. On the other hand, the limitation of Millââ¬â¢s approach with regard to freedom and equality of women in civil society emanates from a lack of focus on the needs and interests of women.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Critical review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Critical review - Essay Example The article by Yeong and Ngee (2014) has tried to find out a clear distinction between the definitions of culture, organizational culture and the organizational climate. The article has explained that the culture is a set of belief and norms that are learnt and shared among a group of individuals in close proximity. The organizational culture on the other hand is the practices or trends followed by the employees and staffs of a particular organization. Just like culture varies across different countries and regions, the organizational culture also varies across different organizations or industries. In the light of organizational culture, it has been mentioned that the organizational practices are dynamic in nature and often changes under the influence of new comers. It has been mentioned that a new comer coming from a particular organization brings certain cultural traits, which gets infused with the culture of the current organization thereby making certain changes in it. In this c ontext Turker and Altuntas (2015) have mentioned in their article regarding the impact on the new comer of the organizational culture which he has been recently exposed to. Yeong and Ngee (2014) have highlighted on the influence of the new comer on the organizational practices, where he mentioned that the previous organizational culture of the individual is brought by him in the new organization. On the other hand, Turker and Altuntas (2015) have discussed about the impact of the new organizational culture on the perception of the new comers. Thus it can be stated that both the articles have discussed orgazanitions culture, but has portrayed different perspective of its relationship with the new comers. Moreover, in the article of Yeong and Ngee (2014) it has been clearly mentioned the difference between the definitions of culture and organizational culture and at the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Comparison of Beta Blockers Use
Comparison of Beta Blockers Use 1.1 Background Beta-blockers are a medication used to treat high blood pressure and heart problems. They are used by millions of people around the world everyday. In 2004, they were the fifth most widely prescribed class of medicine. Beta-blockers are effective, life-saving medicines with more than 25 years of widespread and generally safe use. There are fourteen beta-blockers are currently available. These included Acebutolol, Atenolol, Betaxolol, Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Esmolol, Labetalol, Metoprolol, Nadolol, Penbutolol, Pindolol, Propranolol, and Timolol. Beta-blockers are just one class of prescription medicine used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease. Four other classes are commonly used to treat high blood pressure, for example. These include the diuretics, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin-receptor blockers. These four plus beta blockers are often used in combination, two or more at a time. Indeed, many people with high blood pressure will require two or more high blood pressure medicines to bring their blood pressure down to a normal and healthy range. Although they are used primarily to treat people with high blood pressure, they are also used to treat other heart conditions. These include angina (heart or chest pain), abnormal heart rhythms, coronary artery blockages, and heart failure. They are also used, along with other treatments, to help prevent repeat heart attacks in people who have already had one, to prevent migraine headaches, and to treat performance or stage-fright anxiety. High blood pressure is one of the most significantly and persistently under-diagnosed and under-treated medical conditions. It raises your risk of heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, dementia, vision loss, and kidney failure. In most who have high blood pressure, it is a lifelong condition. Yet studies show that only 30% of people with high blood pressure getting the medicines, care, and blood pressure control they need. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of death. Because it has no symptoms and often goes undetected, high blood pressure is often called the nations leading silent killer. Beta-blockers work by blocking adrenaline in the heart and blood vessels. Adrenaline speeds up the heart rate, makes the heart muscle contract more strongly, and constricts arteries throughout the body. All these raise blood pressure. In blocking adrenaline, beta-blockers slow down the heart and reduce its workload. That helps to decrease blood pressure. Choosing a beta-blocker, and its dose, depends on what people need it for. Studies show that some beta blockers are more effective and safer than others for certain conditions. People respond to the various beta-blockers differently. There are important differences in how the various beta-blockers work that will affect the use of them. In effect, beta blockers differ in the type of beta receptors they block (ÃŽà ²1, ÃŽà ²2, and ÃŽà ±) and, therefore, their effects. Non-selective beta blockers, for example, propranolol, block ÃŽà ²1 and ÃŽà ²2 receptors and, therefore, affect the heart, blood vessels, and air passages. Selective beta blockers, for example, metoprolol primarily block ÃŽà ²1 receptors and, therefore, mostly affect the heart and do not affect air passages. Labetalol and carvedilol block beta and alpha-1 receptors. Blocking alpha receptors adds to the blood vessel dilating effect of labetalol and carvedilol. Beta-blockers are generally safe medicines. They have not been shown to cause any serious long-term or irreversible negative consequences, even after many years of use. But side effects are common among people taking beta-blockers. The majority of people can expect to experience at least one. These include fatigue or drowsiness, dizziness or lightheadedness, slow heartbeat, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, numbness, tinkling or coldness of fingers, toes or skin, weight gain, mental depression, disturbing dreams, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction in men, or ability to reach orgasm in both men and women. Most side effects can be avoided or minimized by starting with a low dose and increasing it gradually. Also, some of these adverse effects go away or diminish in time, after body gets used to the drug. Overall, the strongest evidence on beta-blockers links them to a lower risk of repeat heart attack and early death in the aftermath of a heart attack. More than 60 studies have examined this, and all have found a marked benefit for the pills. There is also compelling evidence that some beta blockers lower the risk of death in people with heart failure, preventing 3.8 deaths per 100 patients in the first year of treatment. Therefore, everyone who has had a heart attack should be taking a beta-blocker. Below are the list of beta-blockers that use in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown: No:à 1. Generic Name:à Atenolol Trade Name:à TENORMINà ® Dosage Form:à Tablet Strength:à 100mg No:à 2. Generic Name:à Bisoprolol Trade Name:à CONCORà ® Dosage Form:à Tablet Strength:à 2.5mg , 5mg No:à 3. Generic Name:à Carvedilol Trade Name:à DILATRENDà ®, CASLOTà ® Dosage Form:à Tablet Strength:à 6.25mg , 25mg No:à 4. Generic Name:à Labetalol Trade Name:à TRANDATEà ® Dosage Form:à Tablet Strength:à 100mg No:à 5. Generic Name:à Metoprolol Trade Name:à BETALOCà ® Dosage Form:à Tablet Strength:à 100mg No:à 6. Generic Name:à Propranolol Trade Name:à INDERALà ® Dosage Form:à Tablet Strength:à 40mg 1.2 Objectives 1.2.1 To list down types of beta-blockers in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. 1.2.2 To analyze the usage of each beta-blockers in Kinik Kesihatan Greentown. 1.2.3 To compare the most commonly used beta-blockers in Klinik Kesihatanà Greentown based on the results. CHAPTER 2:à LITERATURE REVIEW From the past, beta blockers is widely use for the treatment of hypertension besides treatment such as stable and unstable angina, arrhythmias, bleeding esophageal varices, coronary artery disease, asymptomatic and symptomatic heart failure, hypertension migraine, and secondary prevention post-myocardial infarction (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). Although some study shows that beta-blockers are not first-line drugs in the treatment of hypertension (Wiysonge CS, et al., 2007) but when initiating a beta-blocker, it is proven to be as effective and safe as initiating an ACE-inhibitor first (Ferenc Follath, 2006). Besides, beta blockers provide similar clinical outcomes and are associated with fewer adverse events than calcium antagonists in randomized trials of patients who have stable angina. (Paul A. Heidenreich, MD,, 1999) There is also evidence that suggest B-blockers are useful in managing angina and reducing mortality after myocardial infarction and in heart failure (H T Ong, consultant cardiologist, 2007) but beta blockers appear to be less effective when used as monotherapy in black hypertensives (Walter Flamenbaum, MD, 1985). Additionally, beta-blockers may be considered as a first-line option in women of child-bearing potential because of concern about foetal renal maldevelopment with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (British Hypertension Society, 2008). When starting beta blockers, it should be started at the lowest dose, with the dose increased every two to four weeks until the target dose or highest tolerated dose is reached because beta-blockers showed little evidence of useful antiarrhythmic action in the dosage used (J M Roland,, 1979). It also should reconsider in the treatment of hypertension since doses smaller than those recommended are almost as effective and much cheaper. (A K Scott, et al., 1982) On the other side, when beta blocker treatment given as secondary prophylaxis after myocardial infarction it is highly cost effective (G Olsson, L A Levin, N Rehnqvist, 1987). Among all the beta-blockers, atenolol had the most widely used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown because study proven atenolol is more effective than placebo in lowering blood pressure but does not appear to reduce the rates of cardiovascular morbidity or mortality (Carlberg B., et al., 2004). One of the studies also shown that the use of atenolol (started 72 h before operation) is effective in reducing the incidence of supraventricular arrhythmias following elective coronary artery bypass operations in patients with good left ventricular function (R. K. Lamb, et al., 1988). When compare between atenolol versus nifedipine versus the combination, atenolol was slightly better than nifedipine on exercise time, but the combination was slightly better for decreasing the number of attacks (El-Tamimi, H. Davies, G.J., 1992). Anyway, atenolol should be avoided in the early stages of pregnancy and given with caution at the later stages, as it is associated with fetal growth retardation, which is related to duration of treatment. (Lydakis C., et al., 1999) Metoprolol, which shows the second higher usage in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown, is an effective drug for treatment of stable exercise-induced angina pectoris (Arnman K Rydà ©n L. 1993) where metoprolol also can reduce total mortality, sudden death, and death due to progressive heart failure and improved quality of life (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). There is also a study about 62 patients taking metoprolol 100 mg twice daily, nifedipine 10 mg three times daily and the combination in a randomised double blind crossover study, metoprolol was better than nifedipine; the combination was better again (Uusitalo, A,, 1986). On the other side, both carvedilol and metoprolol also showed parallel beneficial effects on symptoms, exercise, ejection fraction, and oxidative stress in heart failure (Marrick L. Kukin, MD, et. al, 1999). Treatment with metoprolol will resulted in lower all-cause mortality than treatment with a thiazide diuretic (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007) but metoprolol did not benefit mortality or ischemic events in a longer-term (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). Although carvedilol and immediate release metoprolol had similar effects on quality of life, but metoprolol improved exercise capacity more (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). Yet, the chronic use of the more selective beta-1 selective blockers such as atenolol and metaprotenol has been shown in several studies to not significantly increase asthma or worsen pulmonary function (J Respir, 2003). Among all the beta blockers, labetalol is among the physicians choice because the efficient hypotensive action, together with apparent freedom from maternal and fetal side-effects, and consequent improved perinatal mortality, suggest that it is a suitable drug for use in pregnancy complicated by hypertension (C A Michael, 1979). Besides, labetalol appears to be better able to prevent the appearance of fetal growth retardation compare to atenolol (Lardoux H, et al., 1983). The most significant effect is when comparing side-effect liabilities, it is clear that quantitatively labetalol produces no greater burden of side-effects than drugs of the ÃŽà ²-adrenoceptor-blocking group (B. N. C. Prichard D. A. Richards 1982). It also may be considered relatively safer then pure non-selective beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs in patients with airways obstruction (S H Jackson D G Beevers 1983). Among the incidence of side-effects, was similar with atenolol, metoprolol and pindolol but was slightly less with labetalol (J J McNeil W J Louis 1979). Of all this reason, labetalol become one f the common prescribe drug for pregnant women. For the next drug, propranolol, it should be used with care in patients with known vascular disease (P D McSorley D J Warren 1978). Carvedilol which is other beta blockers has a powerful antiarrhythmic effect, where a study shows after AMI, even in patients already treated with an ACE inhibitor, carvedilol suppresses atrial as well as ventricular arrhythmias in these patients (McMurray, J., et al., 2005). It also may adversely affect recovery from severe hemorrhagic shock (Taniguchi T., et al., 2009). Next, carvedilol is the only beta blocker shown to reduce mortality in post-MI patients who are already taking an ACE inhibitor (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). In one of the study also shown that administering carvedilol in addition to conventional therapy reduces mortality and attenuates myocardial remodelling in patients with left ventricular dysfunction following acute MI. Mortality was significantly lower with carvedilol than with metoprolol in patients with mild to severe CHF, suggesting that carvedilol may be the preferred beta-blocker (Keating GM Jarvis B. 2003). However, patients with CHF and asthma tolerated carvedilol poorly and because of that asthma still remain a contraindication to beta-blockade (Kotlyar E, et al., 2002). For bisoprolol, neither dose of bisoprolol showed any obvious influence on reducing attack duration or severity (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). CHAPTER 3:à METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study Design A case control study is conducted from 1st Mac 2009 till 8th May 2009. We will identify the usage of Beta Blocker drugs in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. Inclusion criteria for this study are based on the date noted on the cupon. Exclusion criteria is the date for the part supply prescriptions which we will take the last date the patient comes to collect the their medication. A total of 3 months prescription (October 2008 till December 2008) will be taken to be analyzed. Comparison between all beta blockers is then done when all data has been analyzed. 3.2 Data Collection Each month of prescription is divided among us group members to evaluate and count the frequency usage of those Beta Blocker drugs. Time that given to finished the evaluation of the prescription is 1 month from the date the prescription is given. The Beta Blocker drugs that has be taken count for this study is between Metoprolol Tartrate, Atenolol, Carvedilol, Propanolol HCL, Bisoprolol Fumarate, and Labetolol HCL. 3.3 Statistical Methods/Data Analysis Data has been analysis using Microsoft Excel which the results is shown through bar and pai chart. 3.4 Ethical Consideration Permission to conduct this study is obtained from the chief pharmacist and our local preceptor of Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun and Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. CHAPTER 4:à RESULTS Graph 1 show the total usage of each type of Beta-blockers used in October 2008 at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. From the graph, we found that atenolol is among the most frequently used Beta-blocker drug used by Klinik Kesihatan Greentown on October 2008 which is 449 patients, followed by metoprolol, 404 patients, propranolol, 20 patients, labetalol and carvedilol, 1 patient each, while no patient was prescribed with Bisoprolol. Graph 2 shows the total usage of each type of beta-blockers in November 2008 at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. The graph indicates that atenolol is the most highly used if compared with other Beta-blockers which have 358 patients, followed by metoprolol, 324 patients, propranolol, 35 patients, bisoprolol, 4 patients, labetalol, 2 patients and carvedilol, have 1 patient only. Graph 3 shows the total usage of each type of Beta-blockers in December 2008. From the graph we can conclude that atenolol rated as the most widely used where there are 377 patients, followed by metoprolol, 303 patients, then propranolol, 27 patients, bisoprolol, 14 patients, labetalol, 3 patients and carvedilol, 8 patients. Graph 4 shows the overall usage of each beta-blocker used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown based on total amount of prescriptions prescribed on October, November and December 2008. From types of beta-blocker, we can conclude that atenolol is the most widely used which have 1184 patients compared with other beta-blocker drugs. While metoprolol is the second beta-blocker drug that commonly used which have 1034 patients, followed by propranolol, 82 patients, bisoprolol, 18 patients, carvedilol, 10 patients and labetalol, 6 patients. Graph 5 displays the total usage of beta-blockers based from October, November and December in year 2008 at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. From the overall, the month of October 2008 shows the highest percentage of beta-blockers used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown which are 38% or total usage are 875, followed by December 2008 which are 31% or total usage are 732 and November 2008 are 31% or total usage are 724. CHAPTER 5:à DISCUSSION 5.1 Atenolol Beta-blockers work by blocking adrenaline in the heart and blood vessels. Adrenaline speeds up the heart rate, makes the heart muscle contract more strongly, and constricts arteries throughout the body. All these raise blood pressure. In blocking adrenaline, beta-blockers slow down the heart and reduce its workload. That helps to decrease blood pressure (Houghton T, Fremantle N, Cleland JG. 2002). Atenolol in this case is a beta blocker used not only to treat hypertension but also is the primary medication treatment for angina and after an heart attack (American Academy of Family Physician, 2000). Based on our study, at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown the most used beta blocker from October 2008 till December 2008 was atenolol. This could be due to many factors; one of it to be the effective treatment towards treating hypertension. It is also widely use because doctors nationwide has been prescribing this drug for a long time and it is shown by patient age on the prescription studied, geriatric patients prefer sticking to atenolol than changing to other beta blockers as they safe and satisfied with the treatment of atenolol. Atenolol also has very less adverse effects compared to other beta blockers .It is also known to effectively lower blood pressure to its normal range by decreasing the heart rate. It easy to consume as the daily dosing is usually 1 tablet a day(100mg) or half a tablet a day(50mg) ( Shekelle, P. G., et al., 2003 ). According to a study it has chosen four of the five indicated beta blockers as Best Buy drugs for people with angina, based on price. They are atenolol, metoprolol tartrate, and propranolol. Generic acebutolol is substantially more expensive than these four and no more effective. Taking a beta-blocker after a heart attack lowers the risk of a repeat attack and death by 15% to 25%. Five beta-blockers -atenolol, carvedilol , metoprolol tartrate, propranolol, and timolol- have been proven in studies to reduce deaths in people whove had heart attacks. The evidence is somewhat stronger for atenolol, however. On that basis, and because they are available at lower cost than carvedilol (Coreg) and timolol, atenolol is chosen as one of the best buys around. Studies of carvedilol are complicated by its use therefore atenolol is a much suitable drug to be considered alongside its market price (Houghton T, Fremantle N, Cleland JG. 2002). 5.2 Metoprolol Metoprolol is the second commonly used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown after atenolol. It is a first-line therapy for hypertension, angina, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, secondary prevention of heart attack (Bradley HA, et al., 2006). Besides that, metoprolol is also used to treat migraine headaches, panic disorder, anxiety and hyperthyroidism (Cleland JGF, et al., 2002). It is a selective beta-1-blocking agents which do not significantly affect respiratory function or antagonize salbutamol effects in patients with COPD (Fogari R, et al., 2001). Metoprolol does not significantly affect FEV1 or FVC at a dose of 200 mg daily when compared with placebo in patients with moderately severe COPD and significant reversible component (Fenster PE, et al., 1990). Metoprolol is used to decrease symptoms such as rapid heart rate, sweating and tremor which are associated with thyrotoxicosis. It is also used to prevent migraine, although it is not fully understood how metoprolol works in this area (Erdmann E, et al., 2005). At low doses, cardioselective beta blockers such as metoprolol selectively block the beta receptors found in the heart and are less likely to cause side effects. These medications may be better than nonselective beta blockers for people with obstructive lung disease, asthma, poor circulation, diabetes, and depression (Torp-Pedersen C, et al., 2007). Based on the analysis of the COMET (Carvedilol Or Metoprolol European Trial) study, metoprolol patients had a 34% lower risk of death than placebo patients. Metoprolol reduced mortality and all-cause hospitalization by 19%. All-cause mortality plus hospitalization for heart failure went down 31%. All-cause hospitalization alone was lowered by 13%, hospitalization for all heart-related causes by 20%, and hospitalization for worsening CHF by 32% ( Woolfenden J,et al, 2003). Selective beta-1-adrenergic blockade is routinely preferred to non-selective blockade in patients with coexistent COPD and CHF to minimize the risk of inducing bronchoconstriction (Abraham T, et al, 1983). Compared to metoprolol tartrate, carvedilol reduced the total days lost. This effect was mostly due to increased longevity. Metoprolol tartrate has been shown to improve well-being after myocardial infarction (Olsson G, et al,1993). Beneficial effects of metoprolol in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, indicating that the effect of carvedilol was in addition to that of an active control (Waagstein F, Bristow MR, Swedberg K, et al, 1993). 5.3 Propranolol From the graph, propranolol is one of the least used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. Propranolol is used most often for the treatment of high blood pressure, angina, and abnormal heart rhythms. It is also used to treat the symptoms of anxiety. Propranolol was the first beta-blocker available in the United States. Beta-blockers are drugs that interfere with nerve signals transmitted by the chemical norepinephrine. They reduce the force and speed of the heartbeat and prevent dilation of certain blood vessels. These actions reduce the work load on the heart, relieve the muscle tremors that often accompany anxiety, and reduce the blood pressure in the brain to prevent migraines.à ( Division of Simon and Schuster 1230, avenue of the Americans New York, NY 10020). Because of the risk of side effects, propranolol should be used with caution in people with impaired kidney or liver function (Division of Simon and Schuster 1230, avenue of the Americans New York, NY 10020). It works by affecting the response to nerve impulses in certain parts of the body, like the heart. As a result, the heart beats slower and decreases the blood pressure. When the blood pressure is lowered, the amount of blood and oxygen is increased to the heart. Propranolol is also affects the bodys sugar metabolism, it should be used with caution in people with diabetes or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Propranolol may mask certain clinical signs of thyroid disease and interfere with thyroid-function tests. Similarly, propranolol may interfere with tests for glaucomaà ( Division of Simon and Schuster 1230, avenue of the Americans New York, NY 10020).à Propranolol is thus used for the symptomatic relief of thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism). It has no direct effect on the cause, namely overproduction of thyroid hormones, which requires to be treated concurrently. This is clearly shown at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown because most of propanolol usage was to treat thyrotoxicosis. Scores on various subjective rating scales showed that propranolol had a larger mood elevating effect than atenolol. Heart rate and blood pressure were significantly reduced 24 h after atenolol medication; these effects were absent or reduced after propranolol had been given (A.à A.à Landauer, et al., 1978à ). 5.4 Bisoprolol From the graph we know that the total usage of bisoprolol is only 6 patients out of the 3 month that we have evaluated. It shows that bisoprolol is also less than one of the least used in Klinik Greentown Ipoh. This is due to the price of the medicine. As in a journal, the greatest absolute cost discrepancy for both groups was under-estimation of linezolid ($800 and $400) and over-estimation of clopidogrel ($60) and bisoprolol therapy ($62) by residents and pharmacists, respectively (Wilbur K., 2009). It shows that bisoprolol is one of the expensive Beta blocker drugs compared to the others of Beta blocker drugs. Perhaps it cant give the same effect of atenolol which the most used Beta blocker. Based on a journal, serious adverse effects (e.g. serious bradycardia or hypotension) occurred in 3.1% of patients switching from metoprolol tartrate to carvedilol, and 2.3% experienced worsening heart failure. In the metoprolol to bisoprolol group, worsening heart failure occurred in about 2% of patients. Serious adverse effects also occurred in about 2% of the metoprolol to bisoprolol patients. Adverse effects were higher in patients switched to the equivalent dose rather than half the equivalent dose. (Pharmacists Letter / Prescribers Letter, 2009) Other than that, bisoprolol is also difficult to get the stock of drugs because it is the List A drug and have its own procedures to make the ordering from the company. 5.5 Carvedilol From the graph we can conclude that carvedilol have the least favorable number of usage compare to others beta blockers but then its still a preferable drug for physician to prescribe due to its beneficial effect. First of all, carvedilol is proven to lower mortality in patients with mild to severe congestive heart failure (Keating GM, 2003), besides it also suppresses atrial as well as ventricular arrhythmias (McMurray et. al 2005) and it is the only beta blocker shown to reduce mortality in post-MI (Mark Helfand et. al, 2007). But then on the other side, when compare to metoprolol, it is lack in improved exercise capacity (Mark Helfand et.all 2007) and it may adversely affect recovery from severe hemorrhagic shock (Taniguchi T et.all 2009). Between, patients with CHF and asthma tolerated carvedilol poorly and yet, asthma still remains a contraindication to beta-blockade. All the prescribing for beta blockers in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown also mostly due to the restriction of cost w here carvedilol is listed as A list drug therefore it needs a specialist to start and indirectly reduce A listed drug. 5.6 Labetalol From the graph, we can see that labetalol shows the least usage in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. This is because the main indication of labetalol is for use in pregnancy complicated by hypertension with apparent freedom from maternal and fetal side-effects, and consequent improved perinatal mortality (C A Michael, 1979). Beside that, labetalol should be avoided in asthmatic patient because it produced more bronchial blockade than atenolol (A D Mackay, et al., 1981) and reduced the effect of inhaled salbutamol on FEV1 (S H Jackson D G Beevers, 1983). Furthermore, labetalol was associated with a significant less reduction or increase in cardiac output than on pure beta blockers (Lund-Johansen P, 1983) and probably induced SLE syndrome (R. C. Brown, et al., 1981). Lastly, considerable differences in dose (atenolol 138 +/- 13 mg daily; labetalol 308 +/- 34 mg daily; metoprolol 234 +/- 22 mg daily), labetalol will required a higher dose to produce similar antihypertensive effects (J J McNe il W J Louis, 1979) and the cost for labetalol is higher than atenolol and metoprolol. CHAPTER 6:à CONCLUSIONS Finally, we can conclude that atenolol have the highest usage among beta-blockers in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown followed by metoprolol, propranolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol and the least usage which is labetalol. Commencing from this study, we found that further studies is needed so that physician can prescribe more convincingly and led to a better life for patients.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Grapes of Wrath :: essays research papers
The Grapes of Wrath, chronicles the Joadââ¬â¢s family exodus from Oklahoma to California in search for a brighter, economic future. The name Joad and the exodus to California is parallel to the Biblical story of Exodus and the character Job, but at the time was depicting the Okie Exodus. The Okies were farmers whose topsoil blew away due to dust storms and were forced to migrate along Route 66 to California in search of work. The Okies were resented for migrating in large numbers to areas in the West where work was already hard to find and the sudden multitude of workers caused wages to be lowered. The Joadââ¬â¢s reside in Oklahoma, referred to as the ââ¬Å"Dust Bowlâ⬠of the U.S. because of its lack of rain. The story takes place during the late 1930ââ¬â¢s when the country was in the midst of the Great Depression. The Joad family were sharecroppers evicted from their homes because they failed to pay the bank their loan payments to the Shawnee Land and Cattle Company. à à à à à On their journey, the Joadââ¬â¢s ran into a returning migrant from California who tells them that the handbill they have looking for 800 pickers is a bunch of hogwash. Heââ¬â¢d rather starve in Oklahoma then starve in California. The migrant scolds them on their naivety saying ââ¬Å"Now, how many of you all got them handbills?...(The men respond that they all have them) There you are, same yellow handbill. 800 Pickers Wanted. All right, the man wants 800 men, so he prints 5,000 handbills and maybe 20,000 people see 'em. And maybe two or three thousand people start West on account of that handbill. Two or three thousand people that are crazy with worry headin' out for 800 jobs. Now does that make sense?â⬠He tells them that the growers are exploiting them, causing a surplus of workers to drive down labor costs according to supply and demand. The significance of his role in the movie, is that he letââ¬â¢s the Joadââ¬â¢s know everything they are moving West for is false. Their journey is based on a lie, and the grass isnââ¬â¢t greener on the other side. à à à à à While stopping for gas, Mr. Joad heads into the diner to buy a loaf of bread. Mr. Joad is a nickel short of the 15 cents that the bread cost, and against the waitresses opinion the chef tells her to sell it to him for a dime.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Strategic Management and Lego
1st CASE STUDYWinter term 2012/2013Student: Aitor Martin SantanaProfessor: Ravinder Kaur-LahrmannSubject: Management Tools| THE LEGO GROUP 1. In this case I have identified some key characteristics that are in relation with the strategy that LEGO has been following. In the 1970-1980 decades, environment was hostile. There was a huge oil crisis, and there were too much difficulties. However, LEGO maintained its philosophy, and their image of unique and iconic brand. Competence was also hard, with Mattel and Hasbro in the market, but LEGO sustained its powerful position.If we focus, for example, in the strategy that they carried out between 1995 and 1998, an interesting fact is that their objectives (become the best known global brand, increase the sales, etc. ) are set in a long term direction. Another important point is that they wanted to expand the scope of their activities. They entered in new areas such as films, gamesâ⬠¦ and they also built new LEGOLAND parks. However, the t urnaround attempts that happened between 1999 and 2003 forced this company to check their strategy. Different factors such as the changing environment, lead timesâ⬠¦ affected negatively LEGO`s strategy.This shows that the uncertainty of strategic decisions is also decisive. If we look at the exploring strategy model, we can see that the strategic decisions have affected the three main elements (position, choices and action). Regarding to the strategic choices for example, we can mention the corporate-level and the business level strategies. I think that LEGO took some correct decisions, such as changing their relationship with retailers, renewing their supply chainâ⬠¦ 2. There are many external features that have more or less influenced LEGO`s strategy development.One of this factors has been the competitor`s influence. Due to the high competitiveness in the toy market, LEGO has to make a big effort in strategy in order to be one of the leaders of this industry. Other import ant issue is the supply and the distribution. The main reason of changing their strategy is that sales were seasonal and they had to adapt their supply system to this. Concerning the distributors we can state that retailers were putting too much pressure on the company, so the solution consisted on bringing their positions in order to achieve better results.Maybe one of the reasons of starting a digital strategy was the obsolescence of their products. There are other influences worth mentioning, such as the economic (crisis and bad cost management) and social (criticism of the public). 3. Improvements of the capital structure were important resources that have enabled LEGO to achieve their successful results. If we focus on intangible resources, we can say that the reputation of this firm is key element, especially because they created an image of a family-run company, which give consumers, shareholders, suppliersâ⬠¦ a feeling of trust.Kjeld played an important role. On the othe r hand one of the most important competences of LEGO is their brand. This is one of the oldest and better known toy companies in the world, so we can say that their brand is iconic. In my opinion, this is the main core competence of LEGO. 4. I think that the various internal and external factors responsible for problems were the key element in the development of those alternative strategies. They forced Kejld to take those decisions.The previous years were adverse, and there were internal problems such as financial and logistic difficulties, longer lead times, etc. Also external factors such as competitor`s rising power and problems with suppliers were determinant in taking the strategic decisions. In my view, two were the most important strategies: focusing on cost and the supply chain and innovating. Managing the costs efficiently is very important, especially for companies that produce seasonal products. This gives security. Innovation provides a company an extra value.Inviting t he consumers to participate in product development was an excellent idea, because in the toy market is necessary to have lots of ideas. LEGO needed new, better and more ideas. 5. In order to approach future strategy development, they could focus on one of the four strategic lenses (strategy as a design, strategy as experience, strategy as ideas and strategy as discourse). If they chose the design lens, their managers would have to take rational decisions with a high grade of legitimacy such as those related to costs, their product`s marketing, etc.They also should take a look on economic performance, which is very important in LEGO Group. Also, they could focus in the experience lens. Focusing on this lens would be a possible decision, because LEGO has a lot of individual and collective experience. Although LEGO could focus on this lens, I personally think this would not be the best option because LEGO needs innovation and new ideas for the future, and this lens states that the futu re has to be made based in the past. The next would be the ideas lens. This would be, with the design, the ens which better would fit with LEGO Group`s strategy, and the one that they should develop most. I say this because in the market where this company competes new ideas are very important, in order to maintain competitiveness. Finally there would be the discourse lens, which I think could also be a good strategy for LEGO, but not the best, because we have to remember that LEGO doesn`t want its managers to have too much power and legitimacy. Their work should be more focused on teamwork and cooperation between higher and lower power levels in the company.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Small Business in Australia
Small Business in Australia Introduction Business insurance is a mandatory risk management prerequisite for every business despite its size and sector of operation. The business entity under study in this report is a sole proprietor small business that has been in operation for over ten years in Australian of professional services sector of the economy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Small Business in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Australian business environment is full of risks. Unlike big business entities, it would be very difficult for a small business to survive a calamity given the limited capital invested in the business. According to GIO Business Insurance Company, research shows that 70% of Australian small businesses would not survive a calamity such as storm or fire without proper insurance (Protecting Your Business, par. 2). It is for this reason that the owner of the small business I surveyed found it prudent to hold insurance as a risk management strategy. Insurance protects small businesses from any potential risk that might lead to losses and the eventual collapse of the business. Types of insurance available to small business owners in Australia There is quite a variety of insurance available to small business owners in Australia. Depending on the needs of the business owner, the following types of insurance are applicable. Liability Insurance This type of insurance covers business owners against any form of liability in the course of their business operations (Insurance Quotes Compared, liability subsection). Liability insurance protects the business as well as anyone associated with it including customers. Under the broad category of liability insurance, a business owner may opt for public liability to cover the business against any liability claims from third parties, or product liability to cover the business against liability claims regarding its product (Insurance Quotes Compared, liab ility subsection). Assets and Revenue Insurance This type of insurance gives the business a wider coverage and protects both business assets including building and contents, machinery, automobile, as well as covering the costs of business interruption or loss of profits (Insurance Quotes Compared, Assets and Revenue subsection). Assets and Revenue insurance can be broken down into the following types of insurance:Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fire and Perils: that covers the business premises and its contents against the dangers of fire, lightning and storm. The calamities covered in this type of insurance can be either malicious or accidental. Auto Insurance: sometimes referred to as motor insurance covers both own property damage and injury resulting from the use of oneââ¬â¢s vehicle as well as third party injury and property damage arising from use of the same. Machinery Breakdown: that covers the business against losses resulting from machinery breakdown, specifically electric motors or boilers that are used in the business. Business Interruption Insurance: that covers the costs of taxes and other utilities during the period the business is temporarily closed down following a calamity. Workers Compensation This is compulsory insurance for every employer in Australia (Pynt, p. 86). It covers costs arising from claims made by employees due to injury, illness or death during the course of duty (Insurance Quotes Compared, people subsection; Insurance Information Institute, par. 2). Professional Indemnity This type of insurance is specifically applicable to businesses in professional services sector of the economy. It covers the business owner against legal claims made by his clients against him because of the losses they incurred as a result of the business owners omissions or errors in his professional advice (Insurance Quotes Compar ed, Assets and Revenue subsection). Political Risk insurance This type of insurance covers the business against losses that would arise from political perils including riots, revolution and embargo. Tax Audit This type of insurance covers the costs that the business owner would otherwise incur because of response to ATO audit. Reasons behind the choice of business insurance The small business owner in this study holds an Assets and Revenue insurance. This type of insurance covers his business premises and the contents therein as well as costs of running business during business interruption period. Given the fact that his business is located in Australia, a country prone to natural disasters such as fire and storms, his business premises stands a high risk of destruction. Building and assets therein form the backbone of every business, big or small. Should he suffer any loss due to weather calamities, then he is likely to close down his operations given the small size of his busines s. Besides, the cost of running a business after an interruption may be too high for this type of business. Through his business interruption cover, he assured of a relief in the basic costs of running his business, i.e. rent, tax, and utility bills, during the period of business interruption. Therefore, the main reasons for his choice of insurance are two fold: the uncertainty of Australian physical environment, and the possibility of a business interruption following a disaster.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Small Business in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The relationship between business ownerââ¬â¢s background and business insurance focus From the consolidated data, it was revealed that the small business owner in this case study is an Asian. There is a high possibility that his ancestry influenced his choice of business insurance. Asia is a region prone to natural calamities including floods an d storms. An Asset and Revenue insurance is a necessary insurance cover for every business in Asia to safeguard them against the risks of losses resulting from natural disasters. Most likely, the business owner in the question had this preconception and hence settled for Assets and Revenue insurance to cover his business premises and contents therein as well as costs during business interruption. Yet, liability insurance and professional indemnity would be more applicable to his business given his sector of operation. The relationship between business background and insurance focus The small business owner in this case study specializes in professional services. Considering his type of business, there is no relationship between his business background and insurance focus, no wonder he has never lodged any insurance claim despite being in operation for over ten years. Based on his type of business, he ought to have opted for more appropriate types of insurance like Professional Indem nity to protect him against any claims that his clients would make regarding errors or omissions in his advice. Insurance Information Institute. ââ¬Å"Workers Compensation Insurance.â⬠Insurance Information Institute Inc., 2011. Web. Insurance Quote Compared. Business Insurance. Insurance Quotes Compared, 2009. Web. ââ¬Å"Protecting Your Business.â⬠GIO, n.d. Web. Pynt, Gregory J. Australian Insurance Law: A Fast Reference. Chatswood, N.S.W: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2008. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Hassans Story Essay Example
Hassans Story Essay Example Hassans Story Paper Hassans Story Paper A. The two major types of surface markings that bone do have are the depression and openings. These include fissure, foramen, fossa, sulcus, meatus, process, condyle, facet head, crest, epicondyle, line, spineous process, trochanter, tubercle, and the tuberosity. B. Liu and Hassan were surprised to find metopic suture on an adult skull because right after birth the left side and right side of the birth bone are united by the metopic suture. They also were surprised, because this suture should have disappeared between the ages of six to eight years of age. Finally because they are only founded in 5 to 10% of people. C. The skeletal structures that are found inside the nasal cavity that might be missing from a excavated skull would be the perpendicular plate, middle and inferior nasal concha and the vomer. D. Hassan and his team would be able to tell the ages of the skeletal remains of the woman and the baby by the four main sutures such as coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, and the squamous sutures. E. The features that the larger skeletal in the sarcophagus would show to indicate it was a female is the vertebral column of a female is about 61cm (24in. ) and a male vertebral column of a male is about 71cm (28in. ). : F. The bone of the neck region that could be affected or damage by strangulation or neck trauma other than the cervical vertebrae is the hyoid bone. G. If the bones of a person found at the excavation site were mixed and out of order the anthropologists would be able to determine which was cervical, lumbar, or thoracic, because the cervical vertebrae include interlocking vertebrae bodies with saddle shaped superior and inferior surfaces alongside the canal is triangular and of a similar size to the vertebral body, and the spinous process are shorter then in thoracic and not as massive as the lumbar vertebrae process. The thoracic vertebrae increases in body size and articulates with a pair of ribs in the human skeleton. The upper thoracic bodies are roughly triangular in a superior outline whilst the lower thoracic vertebral bodies are more circular. The vertebrae canal are smaller relative to the vertebral body, and importantly, more circular then in cervical vertebrae. Finally the lumbar vertebrae increase in size from superior to inferior. They are the largest of all the infused vertebrae, and should be easily identifiable by their size and features. H. Bones with their hard structures would be subject to and show signs of the disease that destroyed this community because I. The structure that passes through the transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae that would cause death if damaged as in the childââ¬â¢s skeleton is.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Teams - Essay Example A set of strategies perceived to be suited to rectifying the Team's collaboration and sense of belongingness will be presented. Finally, a conclusion shall synthesise the main points of this paper, and reiterate the support for a team-centred culture, represented by the procedural manual, as a solution to the current Team environment. 1) Value: Having the ability to work independently - this is a value inherent in the role of an 'independent worker'. The employee is able to organize themselves, set goals, manage time, maintain their progress and evaluate their outcomes. Being able to rely on their skills and knowledge to achieve a task, the independent worker is self-reliant and often takes the initiative. Furthermore, when entering into a group assignment, the independent worker brings a wealth of knowledge, skills and competencies that contribute to the development of the group. Such diversity cultivates empathy, tolerance for differences, and appreciation for another's point of view. 2) Value: Distributed Responsibility and Leadership - each member of the Team acknowledges their accountability for their decisions and actions, and accepts that a combination of leadership styles must be available to guide and monitor group development. This value includes the consensus that a Team member needs to act in a professional manner, and that this requires a commitment to the group assignment. 3) Value: Communication - to consider others in our interactions, by being open and sincere in or contributions and conferencing. Each member of the group is expected to support the group and interact with other members to plan, problem solve and discuss Team issues. Each person will be listened to and provided with the opportunity to speak freely of their issue or suggestion. Members are encouraged to express their reservations with the current procedures and processes, as this will enhance the accuracy and relevance of the manual, as well as encourage group members to form bonds of trust, support, consideration and overall coherence. 4) Behavior - Democratic Vote - A decision will be made by the majority. As such, all members will have the opportunity to voice their points of view, while at the same time being required to justify their position. Issues which require a vote must have all Team members present. However, if the decision made is later evaluated and found to be lacking in effectiveness it will be revised and modified. 5) Behavior: Motivation - The Team aims to encourage and support each member, as when asking them about their job and issues at work. As a group, solutions will be brainstormed so that it is not the independent worker with the sole responsibility for progressing toward set goals. The Operations Manager will also review Team Development and comment on goals and progress. At meetings, praise is given for achievements, both as a group, and as individuals contributing to the group.Now to turn to the identified strengths and weaknesses of the Team's culture. Firstly, it is a strength that the Team decided upon a set of core
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Canadian Lumber Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Canadian Lumber Trade - Essay Example Several meetings were held between the Trade officials of both the countries in order to get to a mutual understanding, which would benefit both the parties, but until today both the parties are seeking for solution for this issue. By May 2002, US International Trade Commission took a stand against Canadian Lumber Producers by stating that the imports from Canada threaten material injury to US industry. The Commission was convinced that Canadian softwood lumber imports are unfairly subsidized. During the same year, Bush administration slapped average tariffs of 29 percent on Canadian softwood lumber imports in a bid to protect US lumber jobs from subsidized Canadian imports. According to Mary Crawford1, the tariffs, known as countervailing duties will be 19.34 percent and the additional dumping penalty of 9.6 percent will be applied to Canadian lumber exporters for selling their softwood lumber at prices below fair market value. The imposition of the tariffs over the Canadian softwood lumber definitely was going to protect the US lumber industry in the longer run, but the most effected ones were the US consumers, as they were going to face the hike in prices of lumber, hence overall construction cost would be high. The NAHB2 believed that the tariff would serve as a hidden tax on US homebuyers and renters. According to NAHB, the overall 29 percent tariff was adding $1000 to the cost of building a new home. NAHB pointed out different types of lumber for house framing is not interchangeable, and the types of lumber being imported from Canada are different from US lumber, and are used in different structural uses in home construction, hence the tariff is going to affect the overall quality of a house. According to Barry Rutenberg3, for house framing the Canadian SPF4 is better than US SPF, and satisfies the requirement. He said, "Homebuilding and remodeling account for two-thirds of lumber consumption in the U .S., and lumber is the primary building material used in home building. Because there are not enough trees available in the U.S. to produce the lumber needed for home building, Canadian lumber imports are critical for the construction of affordable new homes and to make improvements on existing homes in America". As the price of Canadian SPF raises the overall house construction prices also rises, which will decrease the number of homebuyers. Recently US Department of Commerce published a second administrative review in the Federal Register, according to which, for softwood lumber shipped from Canada to the U.S., the combined countervailing and anti-dumping duty rate of 10.8 percent is now in effect. The countervailing duties will be collected at a rate of 8.7 percent, and the "all-other" anti-dumping rate is now 2.1 percent. The real question now is whether the Canadian government is going to tackle the trade dispute issue in a way which enable the Canadian lumber industry to regain the power it needs to shape the economy in the interests of Canadian citizens, the majority of which are women and men who work for wages. Analysis shows that there are certain key points which are going against the Canadian lumber industry interests and overall Canadian labour community. Firstly, the U.S. still manages trade in their own interests whenever they want to do so.
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